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If you're a young person aged 11-18, we'd love to get connected with you. There's loads we offer, including:
A youth group that meets every week, with loads of fun games, activities, pizza, music, discussion topics, guest speakers, and more. Find out more about this on our sessions page. This is the best way you can get involved!
Regular great nights away like bowling, rock climbing, trampolining, film nights, gigs - we're always looking for more things to do!
One-to-one support where it's needed, with trained youth workers who love to listen and help.
If you have any questions or want to find out anything more, drop us an email at
Camping trips in the summertime to festivals just for teenagers.

Every activity we do is designed to be as fun and engaging as possible, but as well as making sure that you have a great time, we're also here to make sure you are able to achieve your full potential. So, at most of our activities, there will be some kind of discussion or teaching (which we make as interesting as we can!).
We cover all sorts of topics, looking at the kind of things you might not learn in school, like self-image, mental health, sex and relationships, drugs and alcohol, faith, addiction, and more. We will never tell you what to believe, but we do share our experiences and we love to hear yours too. As youth leaders, we come from all different walks of life, and we hope you'll enjoy getting to know us as much as we enjoy getting to know you.